Here are some of the things I hear.

“I love my co-workers; we are like a family.”

“I love knowing I improved our processes.”

“I love doing better than last year.”

“I love having happy clients.”

“I love making decisions faster.”

“I love taking calculated risks even if I don’t know it will pan out.”

“I love the income I earn that allows me/my family to enjoy life.”

“I love the thrill of selling and knowing I beat out the competition.”

“I love learning.”

“I love analyzing problems.”

“I love knowing that my students understand the world better.”

“I love the flexibility I have for: what I want to do, when I want to do, how I want to do.”

“I love data.”

“I love my autonomy and being my own boss.”

“I love inspiring the team I lead.”

“I love designing new products.”

“I love the creative side of my work.”

“I love being part of a group that solves tough problems”.

“I love working outside.”

“I love returning people to health.”

“I love writing.”

“I love eliminating waste.”

“I love making order out of chaos.”

“I love doing things that haven’t been done before.”

“I love listening to new ideas.”

“I love mentoring the next generation and paying it forward.”

Many of the women I have interviewed and/or read about talk a lot about work and love.

What do YOU love about your work?

Our Valentine’s Day posting isn’t an interview.  We are asking YOU to join the conversation.


What do you love about your work? Think about it and then post your comments here or tweet us your comments to @pecksherry or @pakragames or post on our social pages listed below:




We hope that every reader has some aspect of their work that they love.

I’ll start my own here.

I love talking to interesting people.

I love “having to” keep up with what is going on in the world.

I love helping people make their work life better because they understand themselves and others better.

I love sharing ideas with others.

I love (some of) my colleagues.

I love (some of) my students.

I love reading and telling stories.

Now it’s your turn. Take the leap. Think about it and then post it.

What do you love?

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